Thursday, August 28, 2008

No Shark Teeth in This Family!

So, the other day, Cali came up to me and said that she could feel something sharp behind her front bottom teeth and when I looked I saw that her permanent teeth were starting to grow in!  (much to my surprise and dismay!)  Her baby teeth were not even loose but I knew there was no way that she was going to have 2 rows of teeth (shark teeth!) so I fastened some dental floss around one and took one day to loosen it and then bam!  gone the next morning when I gave the floss a good yank.  By that night, the second one was gone (thanks again to me) and now we're golden!  That night we celebrated with McDonalds and Baskin Robbins and the girls got to sleep on an air mattress in the living room so they could watch a movie to fall asleep!  (um, so I just re-read that last part-could we sound any more white trash??)

one down....

happy mom!!

1 comment:

val said...

so i hope you read this comment-but as the wife of a dentist or should I say pedodontist that is EXACTLY what you should have done. but no I never could have done it myself. you ARE supermom.